Dear visitors!

It is a great pleasure for me seeing your visit in my web page.
Aim of this web page is to inform as much as better people on Neurosurgery issue. The people will remove the fear about the Neurosurgeons and understand that the neurosurgery is a part of medicine. It is developing and improving rapidly, finding solutions in different problems which torture the world. We will try to transfer our experiences that we so much acquired with our long work but also from the collaboration and our attendance in other neurosurgical centers of abroad. Also the countless congresses in which we participate, have given an exchange of ideas in a lot of subjects of modern confrontation of neurosurgical problems. All these we would like to transfer to you. Not only to the simple world, but also to doctors, colleagues, for more briefing in your choices of in need treatment.

Thank you very much indeed
Dr M. Spyrou
Neurosurgeon MD, PhD